Do I need a physician's opinion?

Yes, physician opinions are required by the VA in most cases to provide an opinion as to whether it is as likely as not (50/50 chance) that the Veteran’s current condition is related to his/her in-service injury and also to provide objective finding as to the severity of the condition.  The VA encourages private physicians, who know their patients best, to provide their opinions to the VA. The VA provides forms for private physicians to use specifically for this purpose.

The forms are geared toward VA compensation laws. The forms may be downloaded at  There is a part for remarks in which the physician can insert his/her opinion as to whether it is as likely as not (at least 50% chance) or, better, more likely than not (greater than a 50% chance) that the Veteran’s current impairment is related to his/her in-service injury.  The important thing for the physician to remember is to always support an opinion with a rationale as to their thinking behind the opinion.

Our attorney at Vammen Law will be glad to answer any questions from medical providers regarding DBQs.  No charge!

VA TDIU BenefitsJessica Crum